Climbing the Mountains and Hills of Larimer County and Beyond
With over 500 recognized peaks spread across 2600 square miles, Larimer County is one of Colorado's most mountainous and diverse areas. It is my goal to climb each of these peaks at least once, but also to document some of the lesser visited areas that still remain wild despite the rapid growth of the Front Range cities. Few people have climbed all of Larimer's ranked peaks, and no one to my knowledge has ever climbed them all.
In addition, I will provide selectively vague information about local mines, deposits and geologically interesting locations in the area, which is often ignored for more mineralized and profitable regions to the south. Eventually I will upload a gallery of some of my highest quality and most valuable finds, along with the other things that you can find if you know when to look at the ground closely.
Contact me for route beta, clarifications, a climbing partner or whatever at C[email protected]
You can also find me on the home of all peaks tall and obscure(Lists of John) and the year-round entertainment spectacle that are the 14ers forums.
Some of my other climbing goals are:
-Climbing the 64 Colorado county highpoints
-Climbing all 14ers, ranked, named, unranked, unnamed, disputed and disowned. However many that might be...
-Visiting every named destination in Rocky Mountain National Park besides the peaks, and hiking every mile of trail within its boundaries
-Convince a marmot to come home and be my pet